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Reading and Resources

Code Geeks - Archive Nerds - Possible Publishers - Fandom and Readers - 18/19C 


Possible Internships, Fellowships, etc.

Models for Social Engagement

Coding Info for Aspiring Programmers and the Nervous Coders:

For Archivally-Oriented Folks:


For those interested in the history of fan culture and of reading:

  • The Interactive Fiction Archive

  • Altick, The English Common Reader: A Social History of the Mass Reading Public, 1800-1900 (1958, 2nd edition 1998) (PDF here, also in print in RBD)
    A rare creature: a scholarly work that has yet to be superseded.  Highly recommended to dip into.

  • Jack, The Woman Reader
    Exactly what it says on the tin: a big wide history of women writing and reading.

  • Jenkins, Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture
    --. Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture
    --. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide
    --. Fans, Bloggers and Gamers: Exploring Participatory Culture
    Jenkins literally founded the field of "participatory culture" and "transformative works" (which includes but is not limited to fanfic, etc.)

  • Price, Reading: The State of the Discipline. A great brief overview of the thorny issues of deciding what reading studies IS.

Eighteenth-Century Nerds:

  • Eighteenth-Century Common

  • Eighteenth-Century Collections Online (access through library homepage if off-campus)

  • 18thConnect

  • British Fiction 1800-1829

  • Brewer, The Afterlife of Character

  • Flint, The Appearance of Print in Eighteenth-Century Fiction

  • Pearson, Women's reading in Britain, 1750-1835: a dangerous recreation.

  • Franklin, Clery, Garside, Eds. Authorship, commerce, and the public: scenes of writing, 1750-1850.

  • Bigold, Women of letters, manuscript circulation, and print afterlives in the eighteenth century : Elizabeth Rowe, Catharine Cockburn, and Elizabeth Carter.

  • George L. Justice and Nathan Tinker, Eds. Women's writing and the circulation of ideas : manuscript publication in England, 1550-1800.

  • Schellenberg, The professionalization of women writers in eighteenth-century Britain.

  • --. Literary Coteries and the Making of Modern Print Culture 


  • De Ritter, Imagining women readers, 1789-1820 : well-regulated minds.

  • McCarthy, Relationships of sympathy : the writer and the reader in British romanticism

  • Schmid, British literary salons of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries

  • St Clair, Reading Nation in the Romantic Period

19th Century

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